Well today we are off to the Canberra Zoo - the weather is cool!! 11oC overnight and expecting 24oC, so should be good.
Been wet and miserable most of the weekend so haven't done a lot but today should make up for it and you can be assured that tomorrow you will see some interesting photos from todays trip.
Moving camp tomorrow - just down the road a bit to the Warri Reserve on the Shoalhaven River, not far from Braidwood which should give us the opportunity to do a bit more sight seeing around this lovely area, including a trip down to Deua River National Park and surrounds - something for you all to look forward to.
So until tomorrow folks - thats all for now
Thought For The Day
“To get the rainbow,
you’ve gotta put up with the rain.”
you’ve gotta put up with the rain.”
Happy days... You will enjoy the zoo.