A Photo A Day

A Photo A Day
Big Red

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Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Armadale Reptile Park

We have now been at our house sit in Serpentine for over a week now, and the time is going quite quickly.  We try to go somewhere every couple of days, sometimes a short drive and other times a longer drive.  On the whole just taking the opportunity to relax and get some work done on some photo's, and generally just full filling our daily duties on the house and the yard, and enjoying the fruits in the land of milk and honey - fresh mulberries, eggs, strawberries, and all the meat we could want.  It's all just great.

Now a couple of days ago, we went for a visit to Armadale Reptile Park.

The Centre provides a wonderful opportunity for visitors to safely observe reptiles, to see what they look like, how they behave and to learn about their habits and habitats. The large enclosures enable visitors to see these creatures in their natural habitat settings. Experience a walk through our finch and skink enclosure. Visitors can experience close viewing of the animals for excellent photographs. 

Centre Owners, Klaas and Mieke Gaikhorst, (their daughter Kristy is the girlfriend of the guy we are house sitting for)  have been rescuing and rehabilitating reptiles for over 28 years and during that time have seen many harmless reptiles (including legless lizards and pythons) killed unnecessarily due to an inability by people to correctly identify them. Prior to opening the Centre, Klaas was the reptile keeper at Perth Zoo. He saw a very strong need for educating people about reptiles and left the zoo in 1993 to realise his dream of establishing an educational facility.

So really all to show you all is some of the photo's I took on the day and hope you enjoy them. For so long have been after a photo of a Superb Kingfisher and at long last I now have one in my portfolio.

I know this was short and sweet, but hope you enjoyed it anyway. Will be trying to do more blogs, on  a more regular basis, and not so much to read, and not so much hard work.

If ever over this way, Armadale Reptile Park is well worth the visit.

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